Privacy Policy

With this Privacy Policy, we inform you regarding the personal data we collect in connection with your use of our games, and for which purpose the data is used. You can access this information at any time at



The scope of data protection is personal data. In accordance with Article 4(1) GDPR, personal data encompasses all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, which includes, for example, names or identification numbers.



You do not need to register in order to play our games. You can however voluntarily connect your game with your Facebook account in order to participate in the Facebook high score.

If you connect your Facebook account with our game, the following data is shared with us:

  • Name
  • Date of birth (if indicated by Facebook)
  • Place of residence (if indicated by Facebook)

Please note: If you participate in the Facebook Highscore, your friends can also see that you play our game and you will also be displayed in the Highscore of your friends. In addition, when your Facebook account is connected, a list of your friends who also participate in Facebook Highscore and who have connected their Facebook account with your game is shared.

You can cancel the connection with your Facebook account at any time by logging into Facebook and selecting the “Settings” option. The connection between Facebook and the app can be deleted under “Apps and Websites.”

We collect this data in order to provide our app to you and to be able to connect your account if desired, Article 6(1)(b) GDPR.

To the extent that we, as described above, process your data for the purposes of providing the functions of our app, you are contractually required to provide us with this data. Without this data, we are not able to provide these functions to you.

You are not required to provide the above voluntary information. Without this data, however, we are not able to provide these functions of our app to you.


If you send support requests to us by email, we collect and process the data from your request in order to be able to provide a response. For this purpose, it may also be necessary for you to provide us with information about your end device so that we can process the request and resolve any technical problems that may exist.

We collect this data in order to provide our app to you and to be able to process your request, Article 6(1)(b) GDPR.

You are not required to provide the above voluntary information. In particular, you are free to send the request to us under a pseudonym, without giving your real name.


Our app uses the following permissions:

AutostartNecessary for sending notifications to the user
Network connection displayReceives information regarding the existence of and connection to networks.
Google Play billing service (Android)Allows the user to purchase in-game products.
Full access to the networkNecessary for sending data to the Internet.
Search & Siri suggestions (iOS)If this function is enabled, information from the game can be displayed when searching, looking things up, and when keyboards are displayed, and Siri can learn from use of the app and make suggestions.
Notifications (symbols, tones, banners, control of vibration)If notifications are enabled in the settings, these can be sent to the player in order to display important events over the course of the game.
Background updatesIf this function is enabled, background updates can take place.
Mobile dataThe player can allow access to mobile data so that it can use all the functions of the game without being connected to Wi-Fi.
Access to local storageThe app characterizes the local storage and accesses it in order to be able to execute the services.


For the needs-oriented design and statistical analysis of usage of our app, we collect pseudonymous data about how our apps are used, and we evaluate this data statistically. Specifically, we use the following analytical services:

Analytical serviceProviderType of data
Custom AnalyticsFluffy Fairy Games GmbH, Hallesches Ufer 60, 10963 BerlinInstallation data, in-app events, uninstallation, A/B test buckets, language, platform, device type, operating system version, app version, screen resolution, date and time, device IDs such as advertising IDs and IDFA.
Unity AnalyticsUnity Technologies ApS, Vendersgade 28, Sal 1, Kobenhavn, 1363, DenmarkIDFV, Android ID, IP address, country of installation, device type, operating system version, language, screen resolution, graphics card information, app ID, advertising ID, in-app events. (Privacy Policy)
AppsFlyerAppsFlyer Ltd., 4 Hasadnaot St., Suite 9, Herzliya, 4672831, IsraelInstallation data, in-app events, uninstallation, A/B test buckets, language, platform, device type, operating system version, app version, screen resolution, date and time, device IDs such as advertising IDs and IDFA (Privacy Policy)

We collect this data on the basis of a legitimate interest in needs-oriented design, for statistical evaluation, efficient marketing of our app, and the fact that your legitimate interests do not prevail under Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.


We use the following advertising networks in order to be able to integrate advertising within our free-of-charge apps. These collect the data described below for the purpose of providing personalized advertising:

Advertising networkProviderType of data
AppLovinAppLovin Corporation, 849 High Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA

Device type, operating system, device information, country, time zone, language, type and speed of network connection, IDFA.(Privacy policy)

ChartboostChartboost, Inc., 85 Second Street Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA

Language, operating system, device type, IP address, MAC address, device ID, IDFA, Google Advertising ID, Android ID, statistics on videos that have been viewed, length of use of an app, data regarding in-app purchases(Privacy policy)

Facebook AdsFacebook, Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USADevice attributes (operating system, hardware, software versions, etc.), processes on the device, identifiers (unique identifiers, device IDs, and other identifiers), device signal (Bluetooth, WLAN, etc.), device settings data (GPS, camera, photos), network and connections (mobile radio or Internet provider, language, time zone, IP address, etc.), cookie data.
(Privacy policy)
Unity AdsUnity Technologies ApS, Vendersgade 28, Sal 1, Kobenhavn, 1363, DenmarkDevice information, IP addresses, device identifiers, combined with Unity Analytics to personalize advertising.(Privacy policy)
IronSourceIronSource Ltd., 28 Lilienblum, Tel Aviv, 6513307, Israel

Device type (manufacturer and model), operating system, IP address, Android Identifier, and/or IDFA, time zone, language settings, type of internet connection, geographic information on the device, type of advertising, content of advertising, post-click information related to advertising.(Privacy policy)

VungleVungle, Inc., 185 Clara StreetSan Francisco, CA 94107IP address, Android ID, MAC address, IFA, UDID, activity and page visits, language, device information, time zone and city, geographic information, operating system, information about installed apps, and already viewed advertising.
(Privacy policy)
Blind FerretBlind Ferret Entertainment Inc., 2308 32nd Avenue, Montreal QC H8T 3H4IDFA, IP address(Privacy policy)

You can object to the use of personalized advertising by making the following settings depending on your device type: On iPhone or iPad, first open “Settings,” tap on “Privacy,” and open “Advertising.” Here you can enable “Limit Ad Tracking.” If you use devices with Android and Google Play Services, first open “Google Settings,” tap on “Advertising,” then open “Disable interest-related ads,” then tap on “OK.”

Use of the aforementioned advertising networks and the transmission of the data mentioned is based on our legitimate interest in recouping our investments for operation of our app through advertising and the fact that your justified interests are not overriding, Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.


Your personal data is only processed for purposes other than those described if a legal provision allows this or you have granted your consent to the changed purpose of data processing. In the event of further processing for purposes other than those for which the data was originally collected, we will notify you regarding those other purposes before further processing, and we will provide you with all other information relevant to this.


We do not use automated processing for making decisions or profiling.


As a matter of principle, your personal data will not be disclosed to others without your explicit prior consent, except in the following circumstances:

  • If needed to investigate unlawful use of our services or to prosecute a criminal offense, personal data can be forwarded to law enforcement agencies and, if appropriate, to any victims. However this only happens if there are concrete clues pointing to unlawful behavior. Disclosure may likewise occur for the purpose of enforcing terms of use or other agreements. In addition, we are also required by law to disclose information to certain government agencies upon request, namely to law enforcement, to government agencies prosecuting misdemeanors punishable by fines, and to tax authorities.

Such data are disclosed by virtue of our legitimate interest in combating abuse, for prosecuting criminal offenses and for securing, asserting and enforcing claims, and because your rights and your interest in the protection of your personal data do not prevail pursuant to Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. If we are legally required to disclose data, the disclosure occurs on the basis of Article 6(1)(c) GDPR.

  • To provide our services, we outsource work to outside companies under contract and to service providers (“processors”). In such cases, personal data will be transferred to such processors to allow further processing to take place. These processors are carefully selected and regularly reviewed by us to ensure your privacy. Processors may only use data for the purposes specified by us. Moreover, processors are contractually bound to process your data only in accordance with this data protection policy and with German data protection laws.

Specifically, we outsource work to the following processors:

  • Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited

Transfer of data to processors is based on Article 28(1) GDPR. Alternatively, transfer can be warranted on grounds of our legitimate interest in the economic and technical benefits of using specialized processors, and due to the fact that your rights and interests in protecting your personal data do not prevail under Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

  • We also process data in countries outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”).

For the US, the European Commission resolved by decision of July 12, 2016 that under the rules for the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield an adequate degree of data protection exists (adequacy decision, Article 45 GDPR). Additional information – including information about certification of our service providers – is available at We use the following service providers, which are certified under the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield:

  • Microsoft Corp. (for maintenance services from the USA)

In order to ensure protection of your personal privacy rights within these data transfers, we employ the standard agreement clauses of the EU Commission in accordance with Article 46(2)(c) GDPR for the development of contractual relations with third countries. These are available at, alternatively you can also request these documents from us by using the contact options specified below. Specifically, this relates to the following service providers:

  • Playfab, Inc.
  • AppsFlyer Ltd.
  • Blind Ferret Entertainment Inc.
  • Fyber N.V.
  • As our business evolves, Fluffy Fairy Games GmbH may undergo organizational changes such as adoption of a new legal form or the establishment, purchase, or sale of subsidiaries and divisions or components of companies. Whenever such changes take place, customer information for each business unit is transferred together with the business unit. Each time personal information is disclosed to third parties as described above, we will ensure that the disclosure complies with this Privacy Policy and with applicable data protection laws.

Transfer of data to processors is based on Article 28(1) GDPR. Alternatively, transfer can be warranted on grounds of our legitimate interest in the economic and technical benefits of using specialized processors, and due to the fact that your rights and interests in protecting your personal data do not prevail under Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.


We will delete or anonymize your personal information as soon as it is no longer needed for the purposes for which we collected or used it in accordance with the preceding paragraphs. As a rule, we store your personal data as long as you use the site or for the term of any applicable contract, unless the data must be kept longer for legal reasons, for criminal prosecution, or to secure, assert, or enforce legal claims.

If data must be kept for legal reasons, it is blocked. The data is then no longer available for further use.



You are entitled at any time, upon request, to obtain information from us about your personal data within the scope of Article 15 GDPR. To request such information you may submit an application by mail or by email to the address given above.


You have the right to demand that we correct forthwith any inaccurate personal data concerning you. For this purpose, please use the contact addresses listed above.


Under the conditions described in Article 17 GDPR, you have the right to demand the deletion of your personal data. In particular, you are entitled to demand deletion if the personal data is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed, if it is no longer needed, if it was unlawfully processed, if an objection has been submitted or if deletion is mandatory under EU law or under the law of a Member State to which we are subject. For the period of data storage, please also see Section 10 of this Privacy Policy. To assert the aforesaid right, please use the contact addresses listed above.


You have the right to demand that we restrict processing in accordance with Article 18 GDPR. This right applies especially if we are not in agreement with the user concerning the accuracy of any personal data. The right persists for the time required to verify its accuracy. In addition such right applies in the following cases: if the user is entitled to demand deletion but instead demands restricted processing; if the data is no longer required for the purposes we are pursuing, but the user needs them in order to assert, exercise or defend legal claims; and if an objection has been raised but its successful exercise is still disputed between us and the user. To assert the aforesaid right, please use the contact addresses listed above.


You have the right to demand from us whatever personal information you may have given us. Pursuant to Article 20 GDPR, at your request we must provide you with such information in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. To assert the aforesaid right, please use the contact addresses listed above.


Pursuant to Article 21 GDPR, you have the right at any time to object to the processing of your personal data on grounds related to your particular situation, including grounds under Article 6(1)(e) or (f) GDPR. We will cease processing your personal information unless we can demonstrate compelling and legitimate grounds for processing that outweigh your interests, rights, and freedoms, or unless the processing is done for the purpose of enforcing, pursuing, or defending legal claims.



The current version of this Privacy Policy is always available at
